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Pro-Form Program Is Available, for more info please call Brian @ 1-866-541-7787 Or email [email protected].
The pro-form program allows registered patrollers to take advantage of exceptional pricing on ski and snowboard equipment. We are very lucky that many of our ski shops are willing to share their time and talent to help us get into the right equipment at great pricing. Be aware however, not all manufacturers get involved in this program, nor do all the ski shops take an active role. Also, the ski shop is not responsible for what the manufacturer sends to them on your pro-form. Therefore, if the order comes in wrong, remember to be kind and polite at all times. This program benefits you, not the retail shop. Except maybe for an occasional plug for the store you got your gear at.
Patroller Verification Forms will be available for download on the Region web site. They will need to be signed by him or her with one per member. If you will get equipment from more than one shop – contact me.
All questions and/or complaints should come to me and not to the dealer. I will attempt to answer all of the questions that you may have concerning the pro-form program. Contact me if I have failed to list a shop in your area. I will contact them directly on behalf of the Western Region to ask if they would be willing to participate in the pro-form program. Remember that often there are pro-form reps within your Patrol or instructor ranks. These people are often more flexible than some retail stores are allowed to be.
The steps for purchasing equipment on pro-form: